Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Tutiorial 4 and 5 video production sessions: week 4

Task 1: Follow instructions and work in a small group to plan and produce and edit a 30 sec short.

Task 2: set up a You Tube account.

Task 3: Follow instructions to post your video on U Tube:

Task 4: It is a video storage site, it is free and you may view other peoples videos. Although you should not download other peoples videos some people do.

Task 5: While planning of this video we attended to instructions and gathered up the video camera and learn t how to use it. Our group brainstormed ideas about what format our video would take. We used a story board which is like creating a large comic of our ideas and link our ideas together.
Each scene was planned carefully.
Everybody knew what their role was, we referred back to the storyboard. it was a group effort The video had no sound.
We had to set up our equipment.
Our groups went out.
Films were edited in camera
We considered ethical and privacy issues
We posted our videos on our bog.

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